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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 2

 What has changed in my life in just one year!

For almost a year now I have been trying to unravel what society has told me what I should be doing over the last decade. Even though I am getting there to some degree I still feel defeated at times.  Do you ever wonder who began us down this crazy path of life? I thought staying home with my children was going to all of sudden make everything just so perfect! I thought I would have play dates and do arts/crafts, really enjoy the simple things.  Yet I am still so busy every day :-( What I have been able to do though is really focus on figuring what I do and what I don't want to do anymore in my life. I have spent this whole summer purging so many material items from my house in hopes of having less clutter  will = less time doing work and more time with my family! We had a wonderful summer and are so fortunate to truly enjoy life in the way it should be.

So today was a little bit of a slow day!  Not a whole lot going on per say.  I had my mother-in-law over for morning coffee to chit chat about life and kids.  Everyone needs someone or several people in their life to share the everyday occurrences. If you do not have a person very close to you such as a parent or sibling that can give you advice or be your shoulder to cry on, I highly recommend building relationships with someone to have this.  It really is important for every person and more important for a woman to have this connection.

I spent time this morning at my Charity that I am on the board discussing to really exciting happenings for the upcoming year. Knowing that I am helping families and cancer patients by being a part of this organization is such a great feeling. I wish that I hadn't found this place how I did, but I know I was meant to become connected.

Had fun grocery shopping with my oldest and youngest children today!  Haha not at all.  I absolutely loathe shopping for all aspects, clothes, groceries, furniture, you name it!  I want to become like those extreme couponers (is that even a word)?  I have this on my bucket list for this fall.  I am always looking for ways to save money.  I am not a traditional person when it comes to spending my money.  You will see this over time as I share tid bits about what I find and what I do.

Sent Maddie off to Field Hockey again and Blake to Football!

So lucky to live so close to our elementary, jr. high and high school.  All 3 of our children can walk, ride or drive right to school! I am even the mean mom that sends them walking in the snow!  What is that saying " What won't kill you, just makes you stronger"  Haha, I am trying to raise strong, intelligent, self thinking children to grow into productive adults!

While they were at their sports, Bradden and I were able to have a nice dinner together.  Made broiled fish in the oven with lemon juice and seasons, along with garlic mashed potatoes and zuchini!  Yummy!  For the kids they love hamburger helper, so I pulled out pre cooked beef that I bag up after cooking and threw it in with a $.99 box of hamburger helper and Voila dinner is served!  Simplicity is the name of my game!

I am trying hard not to have this blog be me on a soap box, so bare with me as I work through what the content should equal and what is worth while.  I also have been looking at other blogs to see how they get all the fun and fancy stuff on the sides, bottoms and pretty much all over their page!!

1 comment:

  1. I sent you a bunch of links on FB all about couponing. Enjoy!
